Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Much respect to Bev and Terri

After seeing the funeral of Peter Brock yesterday, and the memorial service at Australia Zoo for Steve Irwin today, I have a great respect for the personalities of these two women.

That they would let themselves be so immersed in the public eye at a time in their lives that is not easy to deal with in the privacy of a family is an enormous red tick against their "for" columns.

Whilst Terri Irwin has not spoken publicly, or rarely been seen, this has not diminished her in any way, for the willingness to let her husband be celebrated by the Australian public at his "Crocoseum" is to be applauded. The offer of a State Funeral for Steve was made, and declined, his family instead opting for a private funeral and a public memorial service. In this way, Steve was given the honour afforded to him by family and friends as befits his life, and the public had a chance to show their support and love for the man as a public figure.

The acceptance of Peter Brock's family of a State Funeral for the man perhaps went against his life principles a little as people have pondered, but it shows the family acceptance of Peter as a public figure, loved by a great many Australians. Be you in the Red or Blue camps come race day, people looked on Peter as a hero of his time.

I would also include Julie, Peter Brock's current partner, for her showing at this time. I do not know of the history of Bev and Julie, but it is testament to the two women that they can both show commonality at this time.

Let us return to The Mountain and pray for The King come October 8.

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