Monday, December 11, 2006

A statement from the V8 Supercars Stewards

Media Statement
11 December 2006

From: V8 Supercar Stewards
Re: Sunday Race 3, Round 13 incident

Following analysis of the television footage and incar telemetry from the incident involving Rick Kelly and Craig Lowndes from Sunday's race, the following has been decided:

Rick Kelly has been disqualified from Race 3, with the subsequent loss of points scored in Race 3 only
Craig Lowndes has been classed as finishing in 30th place and has had his point score amended by the addition of the requisite points
Rick Kelly will be stripped of the 2006 V8 Supercar Driver's Championship
The 2006 Driver's Championship will be provisionally awarded to Craig Lowndes

The incident has been deemed not to be a racing incident. The drive-through penalty administered during the race has not sufficiently addressed the result of the incident.

There is expected to be an appeal, but unless either team can produce new evidence, the result will stand.

V8 Supercar Stewards Committee
V8 Supercar Driving Standards Committee

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