Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Bane of the Computer Age

A recent PC spyware infection and subsequent refresh has bought to light the multitude of viruses and malware written today for advertising.

But it gave me time to think about a few things.

No, I dont need a bigger dick. If I want that I'll use photoshop.

No, I dont want to make her scream all night. If I want to do that I'll send her spam emails.

No, I dont want $100 free credit to play poker with. If I want that I want to be able to spend it someplace else, like ebay.

No, I dont want a free college degree. I've already got two, I dont need a fake one.

No, I dont want insider stock market tips. If I want that I'll get the Rivkin Report.

Damn it all.

I guess its a symptom that most of the sites that install these things are sites you probably shouldnt be visiting anyway.

Insert tagline here...

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