Monday, September 03, 2007

Yet another web presence opportunity -

In the multitudes of corners of this thing called the internet, there are a great many places and spaces (as they are increasingly called) where people can put portions of their lives, loves, or lovelives on display.

For cyclists, there are a few. Some highly specialised, like Fixed Gear Gallery (catering to, you guessed it, fixed gear bicycles). Not that I have anything against fixed gear bikes, but a Billy Connolly line springs to mind when he talks of being a vegetarian. "I had a wee problem...I didnt like other vegetarians!" Insert 'fixed gear riders' in place of vegetarians and you have a fair idea of the culture behind it at present. Enough on that from me. For a good blast at that whole scene, read BikeSnobNYC. Super blog.

I have succumbed, again. Aside from this blog, my other blog (albeit far less frequently posted to), and a couple of other things I may or may not have forgotten about, I have posted a bicycle of mine on

Velospace describes itself thus: "velospace has one goal: to connect bike enthusiasts". In order to avoid flame wars between the road bike/mountain bike/fixed gear masses, Rule 1 of the site simply states: "Rule 1. Don't be a jerk."

Anyway, enough of that. Here is the link to my bike. Feel free to wander over, then wander around. I challenge you to try to navigate this site simply by the random button and NOT get a fixed gear hipster doofus bike within three clicks. Cant be done. They're like rabbits, breeding incessantly. At least until someone deems them uncool and they all sell them and start riding Vespas again. It doesnt say I cant be a jerk on here or BSNYC now, does it?

Insert tagline here...


Anonymous said...


I didn't know what NJS was until I googled it...

According to Sheldon Brown:

"N.J.S. (Nihon Jitensha Shinkokai-the Japanese Bicycling Association) is the governing body of Keirin racing.
They have very strict standards, with the intention of preventing mechanical failure and "leveling the playing field" among the athletes.

Not all of the N.J.S. standards actually relate to quality as such, but rather act to promote interchangeability of parts and tools.

N.J.S. threading and sizing standards are generally the same as Campagnolo track parts."

There isn't really any way to certify a sticker, just thought it would be funny...

a.k.a. "Anon at 3:15"

The Great White Hype said...


The idea of an NJS sticker is more a money spinner than anything. Ask any Brooklyn fixed gear rider what NJS means...probably be greeted with a shrug of the shoulders and a "all I know is its good stuff".

Same as Campagnolo track parts? What a way for the Japanese to make money yet not have to come up wiht a new standard! They're geniuses!

Jim the GWH