Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sydney's NYE Celebrations

The City of Sydney have announced that the theme for this year's New Year's Eve celebrations is Creation.

In a note to other groups, the City said:

Weightlifters - the theme is not Creatine. Don't break out the plastic spoons and milkshakes just yet
Christians - the theme is not Creationism. Do not expect Dinosaurs to magically appear from some unseen force only to vanish equally as fast, nor should you expect anyone to believe your story.
Darwinists - the theme is not opposed to you specifically. We're not all that stupid.
Literary persons - we are not having a live reading Gore Vidal's novel, Creation.
Iodine deficients - the theme is not Cretinism. Don't feel victimised.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Kermit the...blerrrrghhhh!

"I feel kinda crook....oh no...blerrrggghhhhhhh..."

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Song of the Week

Yeah, yeah...very lax...

But this is a great Australian song.

Oh no, not you again
Australian Crawl

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Sometimes I miss these

Sydney Buses.

Strangely enough, yeah. Public transport is OK sometimes. Gives you a chance to read those novels you want to get into, newspapers, magazines, advertising material, etc. And when you live on the bus route I do, they always start and finish looking like this. No worries about standing about swaying and lurching for an hour as you bump into other commuters.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Singapore, Day Thirty-One

Yeah, yeah...this is late. Very late. But what can you do?

Singapore, Day Thirty-One, stopping off on the way home. We had a lot of chop coming out of Heathrow, the worst I've flown in by far. When you drop what feels like 6 feet in an instant, you're grateful for seatbelts. 12+ hours later, we landed in Singapore at 1pm monday. I didn't sleep on the plane, more a light doze. Of course, being 6'2" and having a seat in your knees rarely helps. I'm just thankful it wasn't 20 hours straight through.

Got to the hotel and thought about sleeping early, but pushed on. Funnily enough I enjoyed the steam and the afternoon rain, and sparked up enough to get out and get some Indian at local food court (for want of a better term). I went down the next morning and got measured up to have a suit made, and found a cheaper internet place than the first time to send emails home. Up at 6am the day after for the run home to Sydney. Landed at 7pm or so, and got out quickly through customs and quarantine. I never had a delay getting through another airport out of all the ones we went in or out of (Singapore, Frankfurt, Munich, Cork, Dublin, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Heathrow), just Sydney. Makes you wonder about US airports.

Cab home to the Good Lady Wife, with the Offshoots already tucked up in bed. Presents the next morning, before The Boy and Little Lady went to daycare.

I'll fill in the rest of the trip soon. Honest.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

Singapore, Day One

Well...got to Sinkers without trouble. On time leaving Sydney, bit bumpy the first half hour, so much so they suspended the meal service! The flight smoothed out quickly though. The back seats were quite good actually, and walking room was OK. Watched Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda, read half of the book I'd bought, and stared out the windows a bit.

We landed in a misty Singapore at 5:45PM local time. By 7:20pm we were at the hotel, and went looking for a feed. Found a cheap and cheery place up the road and got spruiked inside by an amiable lady.

Came downstairs to find internet, found it (obviously), and sent messages via email to home and The Brother Man. His bag turned up!

Going to try Sentosa tomorrow, and keep an eye out for gifts we'll get on the way back through. Maybe try the big wheel they've got. It's 10:20pm here, so 20 past midnight Sydney time...

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Friday, July 25, 2008


I've been looking about on GraphJam of late, laughing at the endless pop culture references and such that can be turned into official looking graphs.

Here's are a few of my own.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

The Pope and The Dope

First to The Pope...

We've just come out of a thing called World Youth Day here in Sydney. World Youth Week is probably a more correct moniker though, as it did seem to extend for more than a simple Day.

From dozens of youths gathered at bus stops about my area, climbing onto buses with scraps of paper with billet addresses on them, to the posters on every church, school and spare skerrick of advertising space, World Youth Day has been going for months really. The Pope came in on Thursday, staying at a nice little Opus Dei centre, before partaking of his duties and celebrations.

Road closures started on the Saturday night for the Sunday mass at Randwick Racecourse, something the punters and horse-folk alike had been lamenting, fighting, and ultimately compensated for. Out of Government coffers, of course. You can’t expect the Catholic Church to pay for putting other people out. The Pope said mass for the masses, and this morning was leaving the country bound for...some other place.

This morning the deputy Premier was stating on the radio that the whole thing was a 'huge success', as the images of Sydney would have gained worldwide exposure amongst the Catholic world. The airport is expecting a very busy day as thousands of pilgrims fly out, not bothering to look around at the city and its environs after coming for mass. I fail to see how it’s boosted our image. I'm sorry, but if you didn’t know where Sydney was, or seen any images of it prior to coming for WYD, then you aren’t likely to come for any other reason.

I wonder how much of a windfall WYD has been for the state? The Church asks the state to shut a racecourse for them, compensate the people put out by the event, had roads closed and traffic diverted, and no doubt put one heck of a bulge in the infrastructure.

If you're one of the richest organisations in the world, can't you be expected to pay for the cost of mounting some of the event?

The splinter groups and outsiders wanted a say, and it seems the church is a veritable goldmine for controversy. The 'annoying pilgrims' law that was passed created a fair hoo-ha, but doesn’t seem to have been used, except maybe a few odd times. The pictures on the news of three people dressed as giant condoms handing out condoms in a churchyard was a little overt. And the sexual abuse groups demanded the Pope's personal apology for the previous sins of the church-appointed priests. You can’t be responsible for everyone in your organisation, and there comes a time when you've just got to distance yourself from some people. You can apologise, but you wont undo what others have wrought. If your faith is that strong, then be assured that the abuser is bound for downstairs, and your own selves, by forgiveness, are going to the man up top with all haste.

And now for The Dope...

The Tour de France is on again, and entering week two we've already had four or five guys busted for EPO in various states. One team has withdrawn because of it, after winning three stages in their colours. Another is down to 4 riders through doping and injury.

But, that said, its still exciting to watch the guys you believe are clean. An Australian, Cadel Evans, leading for a handful of days. Another Australian, Simon Gerrans, winning a stage overnight. A Manxman winning 4 stages in one edition through a thunderous turn of pace. Frenchmen, Italians, Australians, Spaniards and Belgians all out front, showing the international flavour the race enjoys.

A loose crank arm derailed my own Tour de Parkway on Sunday afternoon. It makes me wonder how much these guys train, and the array of doctors and legal drug assistance that the riders have to make the 21-stage race in the times they do. Sure, anyone can ride for 6 hours, even through some discomfort, but to do it at the speeds they do, and for 21 days out of 23 is an amazing feat.

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Song of the Week

Been a while...

We Care A Lot
Faith No More

We care a lot
about disasters, fires, floods and killer bees
about the NASA shuttle falling in the sea
about starvation and the food that Live Aid bought
about disease, baby Rock, Hudson, rock, yeah!

Oh, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it
Oh, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it

We care a lot
about the gamblers and the pushers and the geeks
about the smack and crack and whack that hits the street
about the welfare of all the boys and girls
about you people cause we're out to save the world


Oh, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it
Said, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it

We care a lot
about the army, navy, air force and marines
about the NY, SF and LAPD
We care a lot
about you people
We care a lot
about your guns
We care a lot
about the wars you're fighting gee that looks like fun

We care a lot
about the Garbage Pail Kids, they never lie
about Transformers cause there's more than meets the eye
about the little things, the bigger things we top
about you people yeah you bet we care a lot


Said its a dirty job but someones gotta do it
Oh, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it
Said its a dirty job but someones gotta do it
Oh, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it

Oh, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it
Oh, its a dirty job but someones gotta do it

Oh, its a dirty song but someons gotta sing it now

Catch the live performance from the Hordern Pavillion in Sydney from 21 October, 1997. How can I be sure? I was there.

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Monday, June 30, 2008

I had a good weekend

I did. Really.

I didnt know I was going to, but it turned out to be a good one.

Saturday morning we take Little Lady and The Boy to swimming lessons. I get in with LL, The Boy goes off with the swimming instructor and learns while the Good Lady Wife and Offshoot #3 watch on from the sidelines (does a pool have sidelines?) We got home and had a brief play on the jumping castle we borrowed from friends. Once that excitement wore off, it was about lunchtime, then the sandpit was open for business.

The sandpit work continued unabated while I did a couple of running repairs to a bike. Naturally, Little Lady got curious, and knocked it over, but not onto herself. So, a fresh little scratch on the brake lever (courtesy the ground) and a nodding head as I said "please dont touch" was all that resulted. By this time Offshoot #3 was not doing what her programming was telling her, and I bundled her into the stroller for a walk of epic proportions. For me, anyway. I havent walked so far for ages.

Surprising even myself. I had a destination and a task, and it was half an hour before I was there. That done, I thought we may as well walk further afield. By the time we pulled up to watch the rugby at the end of the street we'd been gone an hour and a half. Constantly walking, aside from 5 minutes at the bike shop. I guess its good conditioning for my overseas trip. #3 decided to wake up from being still for more than 0.3 of a second, so after 5 minutes of watching the rugby, we left. The other two didnt get up till after we got home, so #3 went for a feed while we performed the 5pm Ritual.

The 5pm Ritual consists of The Boy asking "Is it 5 o'clock yet? Can I watch a movie?" If so, yes. If not, he waits, begrudgingly.

Dinner, shower, bed for the Offshoots. Watched the Wallabies beat the French in the rugby that night. Saturday: gone.

Sunday was an early start for a bike ride, my first time out for a few weeks. Oddly enough we had the full complement of four riders for our run, which is a rarity in the cold weather, and since #3 came into the world. I stuck it out with the quicker two for much of the run, falling off towards the end in both directions. Aside from a mishap with a ground peg and four coffees by one of the others, a nice ride and a pleasant enough morning once the sun got serious about 7:30. Starting from the beach at 6:30am in winter is rather cool.

The Boy and I went to see Kung Fu Panda after that. Tai Lung scared him a little, but he got past that, and enjoyed the film. As did I. It was awesome to hear Jackie Chan's voice in it. We picked up a couple of things at the shopping centre and went home to find a quiet house. The Boy reluctantly had a sleep, while #3 decided to do a Saturday and not sleep. It worked yesterday, why shouldnt it work today? For a half hour it did, and we walked down to the supermarket to get milk and bread.

#3 started the vocals in the line at the checkout, and continued till we got home, thirty minutes later. I'm sure I got a few sympathetic looks as I passed people on the way home. A feed helped, as it generally does, and #3 drifted out till quite late that night.

Dinner out with the Offshoots, Good Lady plus 4 of the in-laws was nice, even if Little Miss Contrary did act up a bit.

Home, Offshoots in bed, Good Lady in bed with #3 out of it. Sunday: gone.

I had a good weekend.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

STUFF! (that looks like other stuff*): Part 4

With great delight I present Part 4 of...

STUFF!(that looks like other stuff)*

You know it's one of those mornings when your coffee growls at you.

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*A shamelessly stolen idea, thanks Ben.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Those wacky Japanese!

The Boy got a box of biscuits from his great-Aunt when she came back from holiday in Japan recently.
I just had to share.

If the front wasn't enough, the side spreads the love even further.

And I'm just not sure about what's going on with this character.

In honour of the box I call them Super Happy Pants Biscuits.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Offshoot #3

Saturday it happened. The Good Lady and I went to the hopsital early in the morning, after dealing with a rather upset Offshoot #1, not wanting his mum to go away. Offshoot #2 was fine, both having a brief blub after we left and they sat down to breakfast with Nanna.

The Doc induced #3 for fears of not getting to the hospital, and the fears were well founded. Once things got serious, it was barely two hours from contractions to arrival. Not enough time for me to get home from work (35 minutes on a good run, 1 hour on a bad run), get sorted, and get back to the hospital (which is 5 minutes from work).

Offshoot #3 arrived and pronounced well and good shortly after midday.

I went home about 4 hours later and told #1 and #2, and we all went back the morning after to see the newest clan member. The other kids were great, and we'll see if they keep it up once #3 comes home.

So we've all had a few days to get used to the idea of 3 kids, and prepare somewhat for the onslaught over the next few months juggling three balls of muscle and willpower.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ross Gittins and the Age of Enlightenment

Ross Gittins is a man I like to read, quite a bit. He's very stable and forthright, which probably annoys the bleeding hearts and upper-crust toffs no end, especially when he bangs on about a subject like the incoming means-testing for the one-off baby bonus and on-going Family Tax Benefit (can I get any more "-" in that sentence - sure!).

Read here.

A sublime intellingence and an accurate interpretation of what it all means gives a strong article that tells it like it is. Personal opinion hasnt over-run the meaning, and I bet a few readers are sitting back thinking "he might be onto something, but that doesnt mean I have to like it". As it should make people think.

The key parts of this article I found are these:

"Figures updated from the official Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey show that, for 2008-09, the median income of "households" will be about $80,000 a year before tax. And households earning $150,000 or more - starting at almost twice the median - are in the top 15 per cent of households."

OK, owning up time. Our household income will be less than the median this year, and probably for a few years to come. So means testing doesnt affect me. Thats not to say we need the bonus. We eat, we play, we live, we rent, we're not about to all die of starvation and poverty. So if our income was double, what is $5000 in the scheme of things? Answer: nothing. To jump up and down about unfairness if you're earning that much is plain greed and/or bollocks.

"Third, most people manage to keep themselves dissatisfied with their income by always comparing themselves with people who have more and never with people who have less (who, remember, they rarely see up close)."

"Fourth, a lot of people on high incomes keep themselves in a perpetual state of feeling they're having trouble making ends meet by increasing their spending commitments in line with every increase in their income."

I'm betting these are two things everyone does. Comparison to those better off is inevitable. Comparison to those who have less is rare, but more enlightening as to your current status I'd wager.

The fourth point is an excellent one. And in this time of interest free department store deals on everything under the sun, its only getting worse. So you stack up debt that you can "handle", then one bill increases (usually the most important one, the home loan), and suddenly its very sparse at the disposable income end. The non-essential bills get ignored, you sell the second or third car, you get a personal loan to cover store debts, and it all spirals.

The new residential morning mantra: "Grant me the willpower to resist interest free things I dont really need to survive..."

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If this is what it takes to dope...

...I dont think I could ever do it.

Victor Conte, the man from BALCO and the focus of the big "drugs in sport" investigation in the US that has claimed more than a few athletics stars reputations, outlined in a letter the regime that sprinter Dwain Chambers was using when he got caught out in 2003.


The letter is as follows:

Dear Dwain,

Per your request, this letter is to confirm I am willing to assist you in providing UK Sport and others with information that will help them to improve the effectiveness of their anti-doping programs.

The specific details regarding how you were able to circumvent the British and IAAF anti-doping tests for an extended period of time are provided below.

Your performance enhancing drug program included the following seven prohibited substances: THG, testosterone/epitestosterone cream, EPO (Procrit), HGH (Serostim), insulin (Humalog), modafinil (Provigil) and liothryonine, which is a synthetic form of the T3 thyroid hormone (Cytomel).

THG is a previously undetectable designer steroid nicknamed "the clear." It was primarily used in the off season and was taken two days per week, typically on Mondays and Wednesdays. Generally, these were the two most intense weight-training days of the week. The purpose was to accelerate healing and tissue repair. Thirty units (IU) of the liquid was place under the tongue during the morning time-frame. THG was used in cycles of "three weeks on and one week off."

Testosterone/epitestosterone cream was also primarily used during the off season. It was rubbed into the skin on the front of the forearm two days per week, typically Tuesdays and Thursdays. The dosage was ½ gram which contained 50mg of testosterone and 2.5mg of epitestosterone (20 to 1 ratio). The purpose was to offset the suppression of endogenous testosterone caused by the use of the THG and to accelerate recovery. The testosterone/epitestosterone cream was also used in cycles of three weeks on and one week off.

EPO was used three days per week during the "corrective phase", which is the first two weeks of a cycle. Typically, it was on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It was only used once per week during the "maintenance phase" thereafter, typically this was every Wednesday. The dosage was 4,000 IU per injection. The purpose was to increase the red blood cell count and enhance oxygen uptake and utilization. This substance provides a big advantage to sprinters because it enables them to do more track repetitions and obtain a much deeper training load during the off season. EPO becomes undetectable about 72 hours after subcutaneous injection (stomach) and only 24 hours after intravenous injection.

HGH was used three nights per week, typically on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Each injection would contain 4.5 units of growth hormone. Once again, this substance was used primarily during the off season to help with recovery from very strenuous weight training sessions.

Insulin was used after strenuous weight training sessions during the off season. Three units of Humalog (fast-acting insulin) were injected immediately after the workout sessions together with a powdered drink that contained 30 grams of dextrose, 30 grams of whey protein isolates and 3 grams of creatine. The purpose was to quickly replenish glycogen, resynthesize ATP and promote protein synthesis and muscle growth. Insulin acts as a "shuttle system" in the transport of glucose and branch chain amino acids. There is no test available for insulin at this time.

Modafinil was used as a "wakefulness promoting" agent before competitions. The purpose was to decrease fatigue and enhance mental alertness and reaction time. A 200mg tablet was consumed one hour before competition.

Liothryonine was used help accelerate the basic metabolic rate before competitions. The purpose was to reduce sluggishness and increase quickness. Two 25mg tablets were taken one hour before competition. There is no test available for liothryonine at this time.

In general terms, explosive strength athletes, such as sprinters, use anabolic steroids, growth hormone, insulin and EPO during the off season. They use these drugs in conjunction with an intense weight training program, which helps to develop a strength base that will serve them throughout the competitive season. Speed work is done just prior to the start of the competitive season.

It is important to understand it is not really necessary for athletes to have access to designer anabolic steroids such as THG. They can simply use fast-acting testosterone (oral as well as creams and gels) and still easily avoid the testers. For example, oral testosterone will clear the system in less than a week and testosterone creams and gels will clear even faster.

Many drug-tested athletes use what I call the "duck and dodge" technique. Several journalists in the UK have recently referred to it as the "duck and dive" technique. This is basically how it works.

First, the athlete repeatedly calls their own cell phone until the message capacity is full. This way the athlete can claim to the testers that they didn't get a message when they finally decide to make themselves available. Secondly, they provide incorrect information on their whereabouts form. They say they are going to one place and then go to another. Thereafter, they start using testosterone, growth hormone and other drugs for a short cycle of two to three weeks.

After the athlete discontinues using the drugs for a few days and they know that they will test clean, they become available and resume training at their regular facility.

Most athletes are tested approximately two times each year on a random out-of -competition basis. If a tester shows up and the athlete is not where they are supposed to be, then the athlete will receive a "missed test". This is the equivalent to receiving "strike one" when up to bat in a baseball game. The current anti-doping rules allow an athlete to have two missed tests in any given eighteen-month period without a penalty or consequence. So, the disadvantage for an athlete having a missed test is that they have one strike against them. The advantage of that missed test is the athlete has now received the benefit of a cycle of steroids. Long story short, an athlete can continue to duck and dive until they have two missed tests, which basically means that they can continue to use drugs until that time.

In summary, it's my opinion that more than fifty percent of the drug tests performed each year should be during the off season or the fourth quarter. This is when the track athletes are duckin' and divin' and using anabolic steroids and other drugs. Let me provide some rather startling information for your consideration. If you check the testing statistics on the USADA website, you will find that the number of out-of-competition drug tests performed during each quarter of 2007 are as follows: in the first quarter there were 1208, second quarter 1295, third quarter 1141 and in the fourth quarter there were only 642.

In late 2003 I advised USADA about the importance of random testing during the fourth quarter of the year. They did initially seem to follow my advice because they increased the number of fourth-quarter tests in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

However, they failed to continue this practice in 2007. Why would USADA decide to perform only 15% of their annual out-of-competition tests during the fourth quarter? Let's not forget that this is the off season before the upcoming summer Olympic Games. This is equivalent to a fisherman knowing that the fish are ready to bite and then consciously deciding that it is time to reel in his line and hook, lean his fishing pole up against a tree and take a nap.

On several occasions, I have provided detailed information to both USADA and WADA in an attempt to help them establish more effective testing policies and procedures.

I certainly have more information that I would like the opportunity to provide to you and UK Sport, but I will leave that for another time.

Hopefully, this information will be helpful and I am available to assist you further upon request.

Yours sincerely,

Victor Conte

Pretty serious stuff. I wonder what sort of impact on fitness or recovery it would have had if you missed an injection or timetable for a particular drug? The majority of the drugs appear to be recovery aids more than boosting performance. Still, if the recovery is faster, you can train harder or longer, and the effects are reduced, and that still classifies as a performance enhancement.

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The spreading use of the photo

I came across a few links on a news story the other day to a couple of great sites.



Give them a look. The ManBabies is a bit bizarre, but once you get used to it, it's pretty funny. YoungMe/NowMe is great, and I'm thinking of digging up a couple of my old photos to re-create.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Back in, back on, back around...

Hola Amigos

I know its been a while since I rapped at ya, but a lot has been going on. Some of it not enforced, rather of my own choosing, but some of it has been taking time simply because thats the way life goes.

We're waiting for Offshoot #3 to get her head into the world any day now. Yes, a girl. That'll be 1 + 2. Me and the Boy will be outnumbered for years to come. I think the Good Lady is keen to get it over with, too. In between sorting out arrangements, getting things ready, and trying to wrangle #1 and #2, there's not a whole lot of time left for much else. Still, it'll all be over in 18 years or so.

I missed a couple of rides in the last month, but got out early on a cold sunday morning yesterday expecting to meet up with the semi-regular group I ride with. I got the to usual start point to find nobody there, not even the car or ute that a couple of the guys drive down in. I figured I'd take the chance to cover some more ground than usual, so I rode an out and back of the route below. I had to break out the heavyweight jersey and the long knicks (with 3/4 leg warmers underneath). Very Fame!, except that you couldn't see them and they're not wool. I wasnt hot at all, which might tell you how cool it started.

It's got a few hills in the last 1/3 of the trip out, which were nice, given the cooler weather and lack of people. I think the cold kept a few away, as it wasnt till I was nearly back at the beach that I saw the normal amount of people and mid-sized groups heading out. By the time I got back to home, and looped the block a couple of times to make up the numbers, I'd cracked 50km in under 2 hours. The normal sunday is 36km + coffee, which makes up 2 hours or close to. The legs felt a little dead for half a day, but a good sleep and I actually feel I could do it again, perhaps a little slower.

Still no car, and not much chance to look. It's going to have to happen soon though, otherwise I'm going to be caught severely short in days to come I reckon.

Naturally I've been outraged at news items and inspired by reading other peoples blogs, but they're just not as important at the moment.

One blogger that is worth mentioning is the Fat Cyclist. Fatty's wife is going through cancer, and things is grim over Fatty's way. But he's putting a spin on it and opening up to his readers, who are opening hearts, wallets and minds to him and his family in return.

Best of luck Fatty and Susan. Your blog provides an insight into a family going through something I would never wish to go through, yet you do it with style, finesse and a refreshing take on the matter.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Christians just cant help it, can they?

The christians are at it again. Like they ever stopped. Or ever will stop. Yet another event has caused me to bang on about the christian materials and the general public.

The scenario: there's a guy standing on a corner handing out books. He thrusts one towards me "Here, a novel we wrote". We? OK, why not. One thing about the bus is you need reading material. "All we ask is a silver coin to help with costs" he says. Sure, I had a 20c coin, I give it to him. "Thanks, have a good afternoon" he says. I put it in my back pocket and drop it on my desk at work. An hour later, one of my work colleagues comes up and flips it open. "Its a bit God" he says. What? What is? He points to the book.

I open it and flip through it. So it is. The christians have done it again. I'm sure people like Robert Ludlum, Michael Crichton, etc, etc, all have religious views, yet they can put them aside and just write a good story. Sure, its a case of one bad egg spoiling the box, but come on. Give the rest of us a break. Just because we dont go to church and clap and wave with the rest of you doesnt mean we want it forced onto us.

Upon flicking through and reading a few pages, this 'author' has basically re-written the Bible. The hero even rises from the dead after 3 days at the end.

If you're going to spread the message, at least get imaginitive.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Wheels, baby, wheels...

Hola amigos.

I know its been a while since I rapped at ya, but not much has been happening to tell the truth. Nothing of much note, just living as best I can manage with the Good Lady and the Offshoots and working a bit more than normal.

I've been sans car for four weeks now, and its going alright. I'm bussing it to work with the unwashed masses, which is taking about the same amount of time as driving. And iys easier once I get to the office as I can just leave the driver to park it for me instead of crawling around having to find a space for the day.

I test drove a Mitsubishi Mirage on saturday that I'd spotted, which turned out to be a bit underwhelming in all respects. A bit wishy-washy with throttle response, a faint smell of smoker inside, and a bit floaty steering wise. It sure wouldnt win any performance contests in its current guise. Maybe I've been spoiled with my last vehicle, which had more power and torque, and definitely more character.

So the search goes on. It better hurry, as the Good Lady is due with Offshoot #3 within a month, and without a car I'm just asking for trouble.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Of Mice and Men

Two nights ago I was sitting on my lounge soundly beating The Hustler on Tiger Woods 2005 on the PlayStation 2 when a little dark shape ran between the side of the lounge and the box of children's books against one wall, a distance of about two feet.

At first I thought "cockroach". They are a common enough occurence in themselves when the power of the roach baits begins to fade. I made a note to change them soon. I birdied the next hole to go 2 up, and lined up the next drive off the tee.

The shape travelled back the other way. Quickly. It was too quick to be a cockroach.

"Ah, no...mouse..." I said. I looked under the couch. No sign of him. No surprise.

I went up to bed after winning 4&3 over The Hustler, and mentioned it to the Good Lady. She has an inherit distaste of mice, having lived with mouse problems during her teenage years. I, however, dont mind them so much. Of course, they are to be dealt with at the earliest opportunity.

After work yesterday, I scouted for my two mouse traps, loading them up with peanut butter and leaving one under each of our two lounges. I checked them as I went to bed a few hours later after I'd given Stuart Appleby a lesson at St. Andrews and taken him for a $60,000 side wager. Both traps were there. Waiting.

This morning, as I got ready to catch the bus to work, I thought "I'll just check my traps". Grab my torch. Look under one couch. Trap still waiting. Look under the other couch.

Trap is gone.

Not set off. No mouse. Gone. Completely. This is interesting.

I look around under the rest of the lounge. Not here.

So, the mouse has gotten caught somehow, and wandered off with the trap attached. Last time I used this trap the mouse didnt even know what hit him. How am I going to find this in the five minutes I've got before I have to leave? I didnt really want the Offshoots or the Good Lady finding it amongst the toys on the floor. I had a quick look and couldnt see it, so I gave up. I went to the kitchen and packed my bag, dropping it by the door.

Then I heard it. The sound of metal being scratched at. Little mousey claws. Luckily there was only one thing metal on the floor. A tin lunch box. Open.

"Why is that lid so far off the ground? If its open, it usually hangs down further..." I crouched and looked. Here was my mouse. Front foot trapped, struggling to drag the device.

Still alive. Still struggling. I wasnt about to put him in the freezer, like they do with cane toads.

"Right...outside!" I picked up the trap, the mouse hanging from it swinging wildly as he thrashed about mousily. His leg didnt look great, but he wasnt protesting. I took him into the yard, unclipped the trap and he fell into the garden, bounding off rapidly as he tasted freedom. Broken leg or not, he wasnt being hampered by it.

I went upstairs and related the tale to the Good Lady who reacted with "well he'd better not come back in!" The mouse is free, the other trap is there, rest easy.

I dont usually like to kill animals that wander into the house. Spiders get left, if they're harmless or not near the Offshoots. The big, ugly or dangerous ones get stomped, sprayed, or a combination thereof. Cockroaches are fair game any time you see them, though. So I've let a mouse free, and I guess I've got to be careful to shut the inside garage door. Either that or the Offshoots have to be more careful about dropping food on the floor when they're watching television.

One mouse free = a thousand in six months? If he gets that far. There's a few cats near us, and him with a gammy leg.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

A personal slant on NBA history

I've been prowling YouTube for NBA videos from the time when I was playing a lot of basketball at school and watching the games we'd get telecast on the ABC in Australia the night after they'd played. 1989-1990 in particular developed a regular friday night routine. The weekly game with my school team, come home, shower, eat, and wait till 10pm or so for the NBA game to come on.

Some of the games were classics that people talk about. It was the Detroit "Bad Boys" era; the Jordan/Pippen Bulls; the end of the Lakers "Showtime" era of Magic, Worthy, Green, etc; the closing seasons for Celtics legends like Bird, McHale, & Parrish; the Spurs with David Robinson; Barkley at the 76ers coming close time after time; Larry Johnson and Muggsy Bogues at the Hornets; Dominique Wilkins; Clyde the Glide at Portland; its a long list.

Here's a few of the videos I really enjoyed...

John Stockton

I wanted to be John Stockton. The man had the ball on a string. Or a rubber band to be more precise. Of course, he had Karl Malone to feed to time and time again. "Stockon...to Malone...basket" was a commentary track that they could've had on tape and just pressed a button everytime they were on a fast break. And like Hoopedia says: "As Stockton giveth, he taketh away." A league leader in assists and steals, he had fast hands and the kind of skills I'd have loved to have. He always seemed to be the kind of player who knew his limitations. Running a fast break he'd never get high enough to dunk over a retreating forward, or maybe even a stronger guard. So, he'd look, sometimes without anyone realising, he just knew where his team mates were. Away would go the ball once the defence was in the air or out of position, and the points flowed. Always good to watch.

Charles Barkley

This was a guy I didnt get into much when I watched him play as when I was a teenager because I was always a guard. Now that I've played as a forward, I understand and appreciate this guy a whole lot more. Perhaps as a kid he was the guy you loved to hate, but you cant hate people who arent good at what they do. And Charles was good. The series of blocks he pulls off at about 1:25 in are amazing. I know its a highlight reel and all, but still, there's probably a whole lot more that didnt get featured. It's a shame Sir Charles didnt win a championship.

Magic Johnson

He didnt get that nickname by deed poll. Magic earned it. By the time I was watching enough of him, he'd been playing 6 or 7 years in the NBA. Showtime came about because Magic and the rest of the team were of like minds and skills. Behind the back, between the legs, no-look, inside, outside, upside-down, Magic could do it and make it stick as well as look easy. Los Angeles suited Showtime, and lapped it up. Other teams had the same skills, but couldnt or didnt add that flair to the game like Magic did.

Larry Bird

Larry always struck me as the dorky white guy. But he was a great player. If you needed a buzzer-beater, Larry was The Man. It was awesome to watch Celtics/Lakers matches where he and Magic were playing to see who won on the night. Of course, you cant have flair without a good base, and both Bird and Magic had incredibly solid base skills. Bird was no fuss, do what needed to be done, and celebrate later. Which he did with 3 Championships. The sight of Larry Bird laying on his stomach on a towel courtside while he was on the bench is enduring, the temporary remedy for his many late-career back problems.

The Bird/Magic story is a long one, and perhaps one of the best in NBA history. It started in the 1979 NCAA Championship and ended when Bird retired in October 1992. 1979, Michigan State, with Magic Johnson, beat an as yet undefeated Indiana State team with Larry Bird in the NCAA Final. 1992, Larry Bird retired with back problems. Magic retired for good in 1995.

There's a great list, "The 50 Greatest NBA Players", as named in October, 1996, and links to all the players here. Well worth a read if you're into basketball history.

Also, scour the YouTube 'related' tab if you want to take a walk across years of basketball talent, too.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Alain has a point...

I hate to say it Lewis, but Alain makes a valid point.

Read here.

This bit made me smile: Hamilton will partner Heikki Kovalainen at McLaren after the Finn and former dual world champion Fernando Alonso swapped seats, with the Spaniard returning to Renault. But he denied he would assume the role of No.1 driver.

"I don't see myself as a team leader, I feel I have a responsibility, as does Heikki, and we have equal responsibility in driving the team forward," Hamilton said.

I wonder who will complain if Heikki outpoints Lewis. He might leave it to his dad or the British press. I'm sure the Spanish will be laughing if it happens.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bernie rides again

F*** off, Bernie Ecclestone.

Read here.

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Cyanide and Happiness comics

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

25 basis points

The official cash interest rate has just risen in Australia, again. And, yet again, the bleating and wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun.

Surely, and I profoundly hope this is the case, people are not so stupid that they would truly believe that interest rates would remain at record lows for more than 5 years.

Take a simple example: in the last 25 years, interest rates have gone from above 15% to below 6%. If you consider the majority of home loans are calculated to run a course of 25 to 30 years, why would you not consider rate rises and their impact on your payments?

The number of people who jumped into a large house with a mammoth mortgage over the lean rate period was massive. The ads were targeting everyone at every turn. There were an abundance of ads for no-deposit loans, low deposit loans, no background check loans, etc, etc. It was a blanket of advertising all aimed at one thing. Home ownership.

While this is not a uniquely Australian ideal, it certainly seemed to be taken to a new level over here throughout the last decade or two. Now, the halo seems to be slipping on the home ownership angel.

The mass sell-off of “toys” has been an indication. Sales of boats, jet-skis, vehicles, recreational machinery, and motorbikes have all been on the increase. People cant afford to run these items and meet the mortgage. Something gives, and its normally the ‘fun’ side of things.

I wonder what the suicide and divorce rate will do now.

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Monday, March 03, 2008


There's some people out there who take crossovers to new heights.

Take these guys, for example.

A 5000-watt soundsystem on a BMX?


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Monday, February 25, 2008

Super Sunday in Sydney with a visit from the Queen(s)

Like a great many Sydney-siders, your erstwhile correspondent and his good lady wife headed for the harbour on the fine sunny afternoon that was Sunday February 24.

Unlike many others, we were there for a wedding and reception at Pier One, which is located just to the west of the southern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Many on the train we caught to the city were headed for the A-League football grand final, as well as some late arrivals for the one-day cricket match between Australia and India. A fair portion were heading for the harbour foreshores to see the Queen Victoria and QE2 sail by each other in an historic moment.

Never again in Australian waters will you see this happen...

The new Queen Victoria (right) sails past the Queen Elizabeth II.

The Queen Victoria is on its maiden world voyage, whilst the QE2 is on its final voyage before retirement. The two ships will never again share Australian territorial waters.

Watching something as massively large as the Queen Victoria move slowly from the mooring at Circular Quay was something to behold. As it moved backwards, the whole slab side of the ship looming above the concourses below, the sheer size and scale of it was daunting.

I personally feel the QE2 is a more stylish vessel, with the increased bow rake and styled top decking area. Aside from the dark colour scheme and red line, if it were painted white, the Queen Victoria could be any other cruise ship, when viewed from the sea. I'm sure the internal appointments are of a far higher standard than you would find aboard a lesser holiday cruise ship, though.

The wedding was great, the night was enjoyable, seeing the ships was an added bonus. Now I can say I've seen a once in a lifetime sight.

For one woman, the day ended quite abruptly. It appears she was out taking photos of the Queen Victoria and toppled over a balcony to her unfortunate demise below. I've read no news on it, so I dont know more than speculation, and the fact that we walked past the scene of the incident where a sheet-covered body lay in the middle of the footpath underneath the balcony. Some things are worth seeing, but not putting yourself at risk.

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Friday, February 08, 2008

Whoever designed the new Subaru WRX needs to be…

…strapped down, like Malcolm McDowell in ‘A Clockwork Orange’, with devices holding their eyes open, while they watch slides of stylish vehicles morph into hideous shapeless lumps of metal.
- Malcolm gets re-educated

Then they can watch them in reverse, and re-educate themselves about industrial design that belies the true nature of a car with the heritage (albeit short) of the Subaru Impreza WRX.

Even the first model we received in Australia in the mid-1990’s, with the flat bonnet and boot lid, slab sides and slightly pushed guards was a better looking car. The second model we got was an improvement on this again.

- First generation Australian WRX

They got fairly wide acclaim too as a fire-breather.

- Victorian and NSW police got a few

And although the last model looked like a Hyundai Excel when Wheels magazine released ”spy pictures”, once Subaru refined it the WRX came out looking like a rocket sled, and went like one too.

- Latest generation Australian WRX

Somewhat reminiscent of the change of the Skyline model from R32 to R33, the new Subaru looks vastly dull by comparison. The R32 Skyline was an angular, angry car, true to its nature. It was no bespoke weapon, it just was a weapon. And it looked like it.

- R32: weapon, R33: overblown pig, R34: style and power

The Skyline maintains a constant design feature that WRX has yet to decide on. You know what this is, without even reading a badge.

- Iconic round taillights

So too the last two WRX incarnations, but not this one. Granted, a weapon it is, but it will hardly cause anyone walking past it parked at the shops to stop and stare at it, wondering if it goes like a scalded cat. Its just another bland hatchback with a scoop plugged onto the front. The insipid downward curve of the bonnet towards the drooping grille line, the streaky headlights perhaps the strong point, yet the whole front end is nowhere near the strong face of previous models.

- WRX old/new comparison

Even in STI guise, it’s not a patch on the last model. You want a car like this to flex its muscles, not wear a cheap suit. Aside from the flared guards and slightly wider look, its not really a visually intimidating vehicle. Give the car a tail, that should help in making it look threatening even if its not even moving. The new WRX lacks all of these things.

- new WRX STI, horror story in 3D

A car of this nature needs to grin, to bare its teeth, and not just smile sweetly. Or maybe even stick its nose in where its not wanted.

- Noses. Is the new WRX really as good as any of these?
(left to right: Audi A4, BMW M3, Mistubishi Lancer, Honda Odyssey, Aston Martin DB5)

Even the Honda Odyssey looks better coming up behind you than the new WRX.

Ricers of the world are probably celebrating. At last, with their Honda Civic’s and Toyota Corolla’s and Yaris/Echo’s, with fake scoops and bodywork, they now have a car that can actually look better than the WRX. Even the Civic, a car very easily over-riced with even minimal work, can look better than the WRX.

- Riced out Civic: better looker

You want better looking cars? Mazda 3 for one, and the MPS widens the gap. Ford Focus is another, especially in XR5 guise. The Holden Astra Coupe also beats it in the design stakes.

- top to bottom: Mazda 3 MPS: Ford Focus XR5: Holden Astra SRi

Ford, Mazda, Holden and Honda are producing vehicles with consistent noses at the moment, aside from a few exceptions. The Impreza nose doesn’t keep consistent with any of the other Subaru models, and I hope they don’t change the Liberty/Legacy nose to suit the Impreza. That would be a crime.

- left to right, top to bottom:
Ford Focus, Mondeo, Falcon
Holden Astra, Vectra, Commodore,
Subaru Liberty, Outback, Forrester

At least Subaru gave the horrid Tribeca a facelift recently to bring it more into line with the rest of the range, style-wise.

- Tribeca, god-awful to something far better

I hope they weren’t trying to toughen up the nose. It hasn’t worked. Some examples of tough noses:

- left to right: BMW M3: Aston Martin DB6: Honda Integra Type R: Mistubishi Lancer Evolution IX: Ford Mondeo: Toyota Corolla: Toyota Aurion: Aston Martin DB9: Honda Prototype: McLaren MP4-23

It’s saying a lot when the Toyota Corolla gets a mention above the WRX.

Naturally, all this is criticism from a personal point of view. Some of you may like it (as Mr. T would say, "I pity the fool!"). I don’t think it inspires confidence in its performance as much as it used to.

- Wheeeeeeee…..

When I see one do this and look as good, then I might change my mind. Until then, the Subaru design team can stay strapped into their chairs and watch industrial design loops.

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Please get off the Australian Coast

If you live anywhere near the coast of Australia, and in particular the eastern coast, you will no doubt have noticed the stickers bearing place names with the tagline "somewhere on the australian coast" beneath. Avalon, in Sydney's northern beaches, for example:

This may actually have been the originating location in Australia for these stickers.

Of course there are some humorous larrikins who extend the range of these, and re-word the tagline to suit their town or place:


And the version generally seen on utes and older model vehicles bearing P-plates:

Ah, yes. Tagline should read "inside this vehicle".

Usually with this sticker the person inside the vehicle fits the description, and drives accordingly.

There is one exception to this variation that is highly acceptable:

It's a unique Australian ability to be able to eat this stuff.

Driving to work the other morning I saw what is perhaps the ultimate corruption of the (until now) tolerable branding:

Please try to be more obscure, thats the one delight in these things!

Now, either someone has had this printed specifically, taken this model to America and marketed it, or we've knocked it off yet again. The fact that it is spelled with an accent leads me to believe the former. Only a non-New Yorker would spell New York this way. Sure, the New York accent as depicted is but a mere portion of New York, but hey, lets generalise.

Perhaps it is only a matter of time till these version appear on our shores:

Bought back by our latest Paris-Dakar competitor.

Hello Norway.

Ah, Estonia! Land of the massive 318m Suur Munamägi

Maybe they're already big in Europe. Maybe every Skoda in Estonia wears a Tallinn sticker.

Lastly, I leave you with the model I would like to see.

No, you cant put it on your Mercedes, thats the point.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

R.I.P. Sheldon Brown

Reading a couple of my favoured blogs this morning to discover that a well-known and much-respected cyclist/advisor/general knowledge giver/expert had died over night in the US of a heart attack.

Sheldon Brown has probably give more useful and helpful advice than the majority of web-using cyclists combined. He forgot more than many of us even know.

His final post on bikeforums.net was just after 8:30 US time last night. Not long later he was sadly deceased.

R.I.P. Sheldon Brown. May you find all the "interchangeabilitude" your components deserve.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Bernie's pursuit of a dollar

So the Australian Formula One GP is set to be lost, with the contract 'unlikely' to be renewed past 2010.


The sooner Formula One ceases to be about Bernie and his mates lining their swelling pockets and more about providing an accessible series, the better off everyone will be.

The options of racing in India, Korea or Russia are interesting though. India may pull a crowd through sheer numbers. Korea? Again, same deal, though no Daewoo in the GP may hamper the fan base. Russia? They cant get to Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Monaco, or Great Britain? There's enough tifosi in the world to provide support nearly anywhere, I suppose. Reason enough for Bernie to go there.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Continuing the theme...

I could spend a lot of time on this site:


lolcats abound.

If you dont know what lolcat is, you're about to find out.

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Necessity is the mother...

...of Invention.

And this is one heck of an 'invention'. Less an invention, strictly speaking, and more a niche that someone thought needed filling.

Cheeseburger in a can

Yes, cheeseburger. In a can.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

A quick take on the new Subaru WRX

Take one (1) Mazda 3:
Add one (1) scoop:
Market the result:

Look for a longer critique coming soon.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Bigger than Cheeses exploited!

Knocked off from ED and exploited, but stolen first from Bigger than Cheeses.

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Monday, January 14, 2008


I had an interesting weekend.

On Saturday I attended a first aid course at a friends house with several other people, the first one I've ever done. As we all have young children, we dealt in the majority with potential situations that may arise with kids.

A most enlightening day, naturally. How to administer CPR, dealing with bleeding, broken bones, burns, bites and stings. All those typical kid-related injuries you might expect. Much of it had cross-over into adult treatment as well, the principles the same just scaled up or down to suit. The response acronym is a bit hard, but I guess we cant all have R.I.C.E. and H.A.R.M. to remember.

D.R.A.B.C.D. !!


I dont know that we'll be going out to buy a defibrillator in a hurry though. If we had someone in the house at risk of cardiac problems or with serious issues, then yes, they'd be a very important item to have.

On Sunday I did 40km on the bike, just getting home before it really got hot and humid. Spent the whole ride chatting and thinking about "if that guy there falls off and breaks his arm, I know what to do now..."

I've been home alone since Wednesday, so got all the washing out of the way before I attacked anything else. By that time, though, it was really too hot to do anything else outside, and washing the car could wait. I moved the chainring on my single speed bike. Its definitely quieter now, so the 5 minute exercise was worthwhile.

The Sunday afternoon storm rolled in thick and quick, but not as much rain as I'd thought. Still, it took the humidity out of the air a bit and cleaned a bit of grime from roads and cars. Lucky I didnt wash it during the heat, cause it would've just been marked by the rain anyway.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

"I think it's my pump, doctor..."

A little while ago I posted about a valve that I managed to pull from a tyre.

Well, I did it again on wednesday night.

I started out for a light half-hour or so breeze on one of my bikes after changing to a set of wheels that normally resides on my Sunday morning group road bike. Long story, there's two bikes and six wheels. They'd been sitting unused for a couple of weeks, and I forgot to check the tyre pressures before I went. I rode no more than a kilometre when I realise the back is down a little. No problem, I've got a pump on the bike, I can get it to 80PSI, enough for a quick ride.

Clip it on, flip the lever, start pumping. Something is wrong, oh so terribly wrong.

The tyre is inflating, slowly, but each time I stop it deflates just as slowly. Out via the valve. Unclip the pump to see that the head has actually bent the valve end and spindle that pokes out from the main valve body. Therefore, if you try and do it up, it deflates itself.

Picture (C) matthewsbikes.com

Yes, it SHOULD be straight, but it wasn't. More like 6 degrees of bend.

I limp home, reflecting that its been a recurring theme on this particular bike...limping at the end of Sydney Gong, limping home twice now. I use a pair of pliers to straighten the spindle. I put 100PSI in with the floor pump, and off I go. 40 minute ride without trouble.

Next morning, I glance into the garage to see the back tyre sitting pretty on the ground, somewhat spread. Again, no worries, I'll just hit it with the floor pump and get it back, leave the valve cap off and she'll be right, right?

Er, no. Every pump in equals a large hissing out. Its about then I realise that this valve has broken away from the tyre as well. Lucky it didnt happen on the road, but what would've done it? Pull it out last night after I got home from work, and sure enough the valve stem has ripped halfway around at the base.

The only thing consitent thing in both these has been the pump. It seems to take a fair bit of force to get it on, and it really rocks when you push it. I'll check the head is on the right way, but I'm sure it is. If so, then its not getting used again on road tyres, I'll save it for my mountain bike once I get it rebuilt and ready to roll. At least I can change the head to fit the schraders on the 26" wheels.

I dont think I'll use the little knurled rings on valves for a while either, till I see if that might be my problem. How tight should they be, after all? Too loose and they vibrate down and rattle. Too tight and it seems they assist in pulling tyres apart.

To top it all off, the back wheel on my road bike spontaneously burst last night out of the blue. I ripped the tube out, despite the late hour, to find a pinch flat not far from the valve. I'd had it trued five days ago, so I guess its been biding its time till now. Maybe it was the temperature rise that killed it. I dont think I can repair it, its too close to the stem. Its replaced now anyway, and Sunday will be a test to see if I get through without popping another one.

Just when you thought it couldn't get funnier, and to bring my 'bad luck in threes' back to reality, my rear 'commuter' wheel seem to have a problem at a spoke hole giving me a flat two weeks ago. Thats #3 for now. Let this be the end, please...

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Back at base, bugs in the software...

I've been noticing recycled music coming up again as I flick across my radio dial, generally on the more R'n'B and pop contemporary music stations.

By recycled, I mean songs that were written and released between 10 and 20 years ago being re-recorded by new artists and handed off as new music. Sometimes they even put new words into the old music, but this is more than just sampling.

I guess this has happened before. The Beatles first release wasn't one of their songs. Many jazz and soul singers had 'standards'. If you didn't do 'Summertime', you weren't in the game. Big Bands did too, often performing the same songs as the next band, but having to back it up with flair and showmanship instead of relying on the passing of time to release a new song.

But these are not standards.

Trouble is, nowadays, anyone with a decent voice (not a great voice, there's a difference) can sing a song, have it digitally revised to be in pitch with the music, and release it to wide sales.

It will be interesting to see what music from today people decide some minimal-talent vocalist can recycle in 10 years time.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Shell 'The Circuit' advertisement

Another great ad...

You can download it here.

Turn it up.

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The Honda 'Impossible Dream' advertisement

This is an excellent ad.

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I dont know what it is that intrigues me about this woman so much.

Whilst I find some of her songs annoying in the extreme, overall I find her work quite listenable. Maybe its her Icelandic appearance, and those cheekbones. She comes across as a bit of a scatterbrain in interviews, though maybe thats her english skills letting her down, because her singing is always clear.

I'd really like to meet her, maybe ask her a couple of questions. What they would be, I dont know. And I probably wouldn't know until I had the chance.

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Graphic design, photography and images galore

Visit this site, right now.

If you dont get suckered into spending at least an hour following links to pictures, then there is no hope for you I'm afraid.

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